Friday, August 29, 2008

Thing 2. I Love RSS!

I use Bloglines as my reader. It is similar to GoogleReader, but I like the cleaner interface. It is all personal preference. I *try* to keep up, but I do use the Mark All as Read button, too. And I don't even feel guilty.

I have added many non-educational blogs to my Bloglines, too. I love magazines (OK, I love all sources of information!) and having blogs that address my magazine interests is really ideal for me. I have craft/sewing blogs, news, thrifter blogs (I am a hunter/gatherer by nature), "green" blogs, pop culture blogs, and more. I spend many an evening looking at other people's projects for home and hearth--and seeing what is new in the world.

While the use of GoogleReader or Bloglines is great for keeping up with blogs, there are other uses, too. If you want to keep up with the latest from your favorite columnists at the NYT, Newsweek, or many other papers, use RSS. You can keep up with stock quotes, podcasts, and just about anything else on the Web that has a feed.

I just read on Infodoodads, a blog by a team of librarians, about a service that will email your feeds. I would have to think about that, since as Infodoodads points out, we already get a lot of email. But here it is if that appeals to you--Feed My Inbox.

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